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"Every Pennsylvanian deserves to be safe and feel safe in their communities – the CLEAR Commission will help ensure Pennsylvanians can have the utmost faith in the law enforcement officers serving and protecting them every day." - Governor Josh Shapiro

About the CLEAR Commission

Governor Shapiro signed Executive Order 2023-21 to establish the Pennsylvania Citizen Law Enforcement Advisory and Review (CLEAR) Commission to bring together law enforcement experts and criminal justice reform advocates from across the Commonwealth to support public sa​fety and ensure accountability for state law enforcement agencies who work hard to serve Pennsylvanians every day.

In accordance with the Commission's bylaws, CLEAR performs reviews of completed internal investigations related to allegations of incidents within agencies under the Governor's jurisdiction. CLEAR holds quarterly meetings to accomplish this ​work and fulfill its mission.

The Commissioners selected by Governor Shapiro bring decades of experience in law enforcement, mental health, and community advocacy. This diverse group of highly qualified individuals represent areas from all across the Commonwealth, from Allentown to Johnstown. Commissioners include current and former members of law enforcement, an emergency mental health physician, a county district attorney, a founding member of the Johnstown Police Advisory Board, a survivor of police brutality and mental health advocate, and a former member of the Pennsylvania State Troopers Association.

“The CLEAR Commission will provide the Pennsylvania State Police an opportunity to continue building public confidence and trust,” - Colonel Christopher Paris, Commissioner of the Pennsylvania State Police 

The CLEAR Commission will continue the important work of the Pennsylvania State Law Enforcement Citizen Advisory Co​mmission (PSLECAC), created under the Wolf Administration in 2020.

Latest Quarterly Meeting

June 17, 2024, 9:30am​ 

The CLEAR Commission held a quarterly​ meeting, virtually and in-person at the Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency Building, 3101 N. Front Street, Harrisburg, PA 17110. The Commission continues its work assisting law enforcement agencies under the Governor’s jurisdiction with improving their policing practices.